It's been three months since he left me. So if you all remember John Lloyd's Three Month Rule in One More Chance, I can now freely date anyone since the 90-day grace period had already passed. But lol, I don't see anyone wanting to date me. Haha yeah, there have been some who had shown their intentions but I couldn't see our relationship going anywhere further than friendship. Nux!
I was browsing several Tumblr blogs when I saw this post so I thought of creating my own list, too.
1. Good Conversation
> Like we can talk anything under the sun. Hobbies, latest showbiz chika, personal problems, past lovelife, how your lunch tasted, anything! Cos I'm talkative like that and I have lots of stories to share.
2. Lots of hugs
3. Can understand my need for blogging / tweeting some stuff about us
> I'm that type of person who would most probably blog every aspect of my life, especially my <3 life. But hey, I now know my limit. Facebook status are not included. I've learned my lesson already.
4. Movie Buddy
> Especially the latest chick flicks / Star Cinema love stories. I'm a big fan of those films. Don't worry, I'm willing to accompany you on some action / sci-fi films that you wanna watch.
5. Honesty
6. Communication
> You don't need to tell me your every minute whereabouts, but at least keep me updated.
7. Drinking Buddy
> Cos there are times that I really wanna be drunk as hell.
8. Letters, letters
> One of the reasons why I was really sad when my last relationship ended cos he was fond of giving me love letters / notes, which I never really experienced again since high school. A simple note, just enough to make me smile.
9. Camwhore partner
> One who would never be ashamed to take pictures with me, serious or not.
10. Love. <3
I'm currently enjoying my ~single~ status, since I've never been single for this long in about 3 years. But I hope 2010 would be a good year for me. *wink*