07 February 2012

First Month of 'Mommyhood'

December 24, 2011 10:11 AM

Yessir! I gave birth last Christmas eve. I remember telling people that I want to give birth at least after Christmas so that I can spend Noche Buena at home. But lo and behold cos at around 4AM of December 24, I started feeling true labor pain and was rushed to the hospital an hour after. I gave birth via cesarean section cos I've had a case of pre-eclampsia and cephalo-pelvic disproportion (in layman's term, high blood pressure and baby's head won't be able to pass through my pelvis.) I used to be the one assisting an operational procedure, and now I was the one undergoing an operation lol. 

And everything changed after that day.

I would be lucky if I will have a 5-hour sleep at night cos my baby would wake up every 2-3 hours for his feeding. Well, the trick here is just sleep whenever your baby is sleeping so that you won't be sleep-deprived. I miss having more than 8 hours of sleep but well, that's just the way it is. Or, maybe till we find a nanny. Hmm, not really cos I still want to be a hands-on mommy.

This sounds cheesy, but it's true that no matter how tired you are, once you see your baby smile, hear his coos, or just simply looking at him, you'd feel better afterwards. Heh.

So now let me show his weekly photos!

I'll be posting his weekly photos on my facebook account and tumblr so that I can document his weekly progress!

Ugh, my maternity leave is almost up. So much for my vacation.

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