03 March 2011

So Much For My ~Resolution~

Or maybe it's not that late? It's just March, right? Lol.

So my last post here says that I wanna lose weight before my 25th birthday, and read 100 books this year. Heh. A lot of things had happened last month that stopped me from pursuing those things. I was off to a good start last January. I was really motivated to lose weight. Lol, I even had some exercise routine before going to work. And I bought a lot of books that I wanna include in my to-read list.

Then a break-up ruined it all.

Fun fact! Yes, when I'm depressed, I tend to eat A LOT. And yeah, I gained weight, and people had noticed it! It's that obvious!

I was also stuck in reading Love The One You're With for like, 3 weeks?! (I know, right?). It was just hard for me to finish it at that moment. So to sum it up, February was such a blur. A lot of things had happened, a lot of lessons learned.

Anyway, moving forward, we got back together, and things are now A-OK! So, since March had already started, I wanna try my luck again on these resolutions. Like, I am again motivating myself to lose weight. That is, and will always be a forever dilemma. Lol. But  I managed to do that last year, so I am crossing my fingers on this!

As for the book reading challenge? I am on my 6th (yeah, sore loser!) and hoping to triple the number by the end of the month! Heh.

Wish me luck!
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