01 September 2011

Can't Wait For December

So it's the 2nd day of September and as we all know, the Christmas season is just around the corner. Lol, who am I kidding? It's 3 more months, but people already started to feel Christmas-y, and one of these days, we'll start to see Christmas decorations everywhere. 

Don't get me wrong, though. it's my favorite time of the year! I make it a point to create a Christmas playlist on my ipod— Nsync's Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays tops that list. And watch Christmas movies like Love Actually and Home Alone 1 & 2!

Anyway, aside from this festive season, I am also looking forward to this particular surprise that will surely change my life. Yes, guys, I am pregnant! I found out about it last May, and since it wasn't really planned, I decided to keep my mouth shut. It was just my high school friends and the boyfriend (of course!) who first knew about it. And a couple of minutes ago, I posted a photo of my baby bump, and my friends were all surprised. Maybe it's true that the baby bump will just really be obvious once you started telling people about it. The people that I am seeing almost everyday—my co-workers and my mom only found out about it 2 weeks ago. And now it suddenly popped and I can't hide it anymore. Heh.

I really had a hard time during the first trimester cos I can't eat without feeling nauseated. I've had 'morning sickness' all day! And imagine that I travel from QC-Makati everyday— and that was really exhausting. Oh well, gone are those days, and I'm back to my regular eating habit. Lol. I am also avoiding them junk food,and since I am not a fruit eater, I constantly see to it that I include them in my meals everyday. I am also making it a point to sleep at least 7-8 hours everyday, and at least 10 hours during my rest days. I also try to walk around a lot as a form of exercise.

I can't wait to start stocking up on baby items and I'll probably do that before the month ends. I just started buying maxi dresses and jump suits, and will also find time to buy more flat shoes. It's a good thing that I already have a lot of clothes that I can wear during my pregnancy!

Okay, here's my recent baby bump photos:

You really can't see it from this photo, but it's a jumpsuit!

And a maxi dress!

I also bought this helpful magazine! It's a good thing that Smart Parenting released this special edition magazine.

Plus, I'll probably start reading this one of these days!

And maybe you're wondering, it's a baby boy! Say hello to my December baby!

As for the baby's name, we're still trying to narrow down our choices and will probably come up with one soon enough!


  1. OMG!!! I am so happy and excited for you! Congrats, Kat! :) <3

  2. Charm: Thank you! Magkakaroon na rin ako ng sariling Carlo! :)

  3. OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD So happy for you!

  4. HOLY SHT. Youre preggy too!! I didn't know! Shame on me. To think I follow you on Tumblr and Twitter. Anyway... Sabay pala tayo! I'm also due this December! *high five*

    Take care! :)

  5. Thank you, Sarah! Happy Pregnancy to us! haha! :)

  6. Wow! Time REALLY does fly.. Congrats! :)


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