26 February 2012

What's up, Ketchup?

And I say hello to Makati again 5 times a week. Ugh, how I wish I could afford to just stay at home and not work at all, but with all the expenses and responsibilities that I have right now, that's next to impossible.

Anyhoo, we already have a nanny! Finally! I'm still a hands-on mommy, but having someone to watch over my baby while we're working, or even help with the chores when we're at home is a great thing. It's a good thing as well that my grandma was able to find someone who's trustworthy enough to take care of my baby.

And how about an update of my cutie patootie baby? Heh. He just turned 2 months last Friday, and it's so sad that we're in Vigan that time. We'll make it up to him this weekend by going out and buying him new clothes! Haha!

His latest photos:

He grows up so fast! Or to put it better, he's getting fatter and heavier each day. Lol. He's a big baby I think, cos people would always comment that he doesn't look like a 2 month old baby. Well, what do you expect on having a 6 footer daddy? Heh.  Also, he keeps on cooing when we're talking to him! And he's already smiling back at people.

Oh, I love seeing him reach new baby milestone each day! :D

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