30 May 2012

A Day Before My Birthday Month

Guess who's turning 26 in 21 days? TWENTY-SIX, you guys. And in 4 years, I'll be turning 30. Gahh, I just wanna stop counting my age!

As you can see, a lot of things had happened since I celebrated my birthday a year ago. Well, there's my baby Miggy who just turned 5 months a few days ago. Then a promotion at work that I've been waiting to happen for months now. Heh.

Looking back on my previous birthday posts (this and this), it turns out that I kept on dining out at eat all you can restaurants. This year? Let's see! Hehe!

You see, I was planning to watch NKOTBSB on Sunday as an early birthday gift, but whaddyaknow, my current schedule wouldn't permit me, and I don't wanna watch it all by myself. Sadface. Also, we were supposed to go to Singapore on my birthday, but since my mandatory leave was cancelled (promotion thingy), we will move it before the year ends. It's okay, since my Cebu Pacific gift certificates (from work!) will expire by the end of the year. 

All of my birthday plans are getting cancelled but I'm still wishing for an awesome birfday celebration this year!


A recent photo of my bb!


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