18 July 2010

Something Peculiar

I was never really fond of reading horoscopes. I read them from time to time, but never actually believed them. I love my Zodiac sign, though. You see, I was born on the 21st of June which turned out to be a cusp or the boundary of signs. I am Gemini / Cancer. But thanks to the new Zodiac sign shenanigan, I am now just a Gemini.

Well anyway, I was at the office lobby when I saw a copy of Cosmopolitan's issue for the month of June. Then while browsing the magazine, I stumbled upon the horoscope for the said month. All I could say was "WOW." after reading my horoscope for June.

"A cute co-worker is into you. Have a coffee run with him, cos that’s all he needs to ask you out."

It was last month when my co-worker (that I had a crush on) asked me out. And as you might have guessed, our first date was in a coffee shop.

I just find it funny when things like this happen.

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